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Outreach Promotional Solutions Leads Launch and Growth of Small Biz Cares

Outreach Promotional Solutions is leading the way for small business philanthropy in central Ohio.

Launched in 2019, Small Biz Cares’ mission is to connect, mobilize, and inspire small businesses to give back in our community. The goal is to engage the small business community for philanthropy and impact.

Small Biz Cares was born to address a gap in philanthropic collaboration among small business owners.

“Columbus’ small business community is filled with leaders who give their time and money to causes they’re passionate about. We wanted to bring a group of smart business leaders together so that we could give back to our community at a scale only large corporations have been able to achieve,” said Nevin Bansal, Founder and Executive Director.

While Nevin has been the outward face of the nonprofit organization, the Outreach team has played a critical role behind the scenes. In addition to building the vision, Outreach Promotional Solutions created the branding, messaging and marketing tools to launch Small Biz Cares.

Stephanie Jenkins, Outreach’s Graphic & Web Designer created the logo, marketing collateral and website. “The Outreach creative team has consistently been engaged with community driven initiatives. I’m excited to see how the value of having a strong visual identity has helped Small Biz Cares improve its profile and reputation with the small business community.”

Matt Hamrick, Outreach’s Digital Marketing Specialist, built the social media platforms and leads the marketing efforts for the nonprofit. “All people want to be connected in some form or another. Using the tools and resources available through Outreach Promotional Solutions gave us the chance to connect with the right business owners who care about community impact.”

The marketing efforts have already paid off. Small Biz Cares has engaged with hundreds of central Ohio small businesses through social media, membership, and volunteer programs.

“I love that our team is leading the growth of a nonprofit doing positive things in our community. The fact that our team buys into the vision of Small Biz Cares means a lot to me and the other Founding Board Members,” said Bansal.

To learn more about Small Biz Cares, visit the website or contact us here.

To learn more about Outreach Promotional Solutions, visit our website and contact us here.


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